5 ways to find your Strength

When I was small girl, I was meek, shy lonely and felt sort of left out...I was the middle child sandwiched between an elder sister and a younger brother. I always felt small...really small to my siblings who were so good in academics. I was and still am a total "Right Brained" person...artistic, dreamy, poetic, still not good with numbers or names, emotional and illogical at times.
To be honest I'd say I had a childhood that wasn't too smooth emotionally and in a way I'm thankful to God for that because, like they say- "Your past builds your future", my past built me into a strong person, I'd like to believe it turned me to a more compassionate, smarter, unafraid and almost like a One Woman Army who believes she can conquer all through God and the sheer strength that's living, breathing "me". Yes, I'm spiritual that way, not religious(I personally don't like this term) and Jesus has been my "Footprints in the Sand"

Let me share with you few of the ways of how I found my Strength. 

  • Forgive but can you really forget?- I know, it starts with a question when I just said it was about ways to finding your Strength. I believe deep in our hearts we all want to keep it all simple but circumstances can make us, many times break us and leave indelible imprints in our minds and they manifest in us positively or even negatively. But consciously trying and eventually forgiving will bring out the real Champion in you. You don't need to prove it to anyone but in your heart you'll realize you're the bigger person when you forgive and even pray for their good. There's a peculiar lightness that dawns. To me forgetting an experience means it had nothing to teach me. But mind you, this does not mean you should become a prisoner of your past. Don't hold grudges, give it to God and let him deal with them. Free yourself off all the unnecessary weights and you'll be well on your way into the light. 

  • Have Faith- We hear it so often but we're so overcome with things happening around and our own doubtful self that we forget to have faith in others, in us and in God. Remember, a positive mind will fester positive thoughts. You may ask, "What is positive mind?" To me, a positive mind is one that has the power to fight off "pull you down" thoughts with grace. It's not a hard fight when you realize you possess so much strength than anything that's said to you, done to you or how people brand you as. If you believe you're strong, YOU WILL BE! So...have faith and know you're a unique customized piece with hidden strengths and beauty.

  • Repeat so your subconscious believes- Now what on earth is this! Well, sometimes you have to fool or rather play a make-believe act so your Subconscious mind can really register it. This might sound funny or ridiculous at times but it works! I guarantee you from my personal experiences. For e.g. If there's some task or challenge that you might face which is out of your usual cycle of things and at first you feel that you absolutely cannot do/ achieve it but just repeat to yourself that you "will" do it, you "can" do it...in the shower, before you go to sleep, while driving, standing, walking, waiting for your ride, in your quiet time and every time you say that, you're etching it on your subconscious just like if you rub a pebble on a rock. The favor you have done to yourself will surprise you!

  • Fake it- Yes, you read right. Sometimes you've to fake it in the presence of other people and you must do it like you would be nominated for the Academy Awards. More often than not, our behaviors and conduct is an outcome of how we're accepted or looked at in society or our social circles. You can take charge of that too. I'm in no means asking you to be someone your're not and live in a "fake" reality. Be however you are and you're beautiful no matter what (except if your heart is leeched with malice and ugliness) but don't we all agree, we as a species are always aiming for excellence and advancement, just look at your smartphone, your flat screen TV, your custom designed running shoes or even your decision to be a better father, mother, sister, brother, friend. We want to be the best we can be, don't we. The whole point of this is, when you get a positive response from people, it makes a difference to you. E.g. if you're doubtful about a situation or something that's entrusted to you, make an honest effort to make them feel you're up for it and you feel confident about handling it. In this situation the aura you let out makes others feel better/ at ease and the atmosphere gets relaxed (as against you telling them you CAN NOT) leaving you with calmness to think what you have to do in order to make your actions as loud as your words. You are the best piece of you!

  •  You've got the power!!- Yes, you do! You've the power to CHOOSE. We always have choices, sometimes they're too blatant, sitting right in front of us and sometimes they're hidden or cramped in the chaos. Most of us blame our sorry state or our heartaches, failures, rejections and weaknesses on things that were surrounding us or the people around. You say "I had no choice" or "I was forced". Now, I'm not saying life is always a bed of choices and sometimes you might feel you have no choice at all, but that's not true, you'll realize you still have choices of how you pick up the situation, how you deal with it and what you make of it.                         

Well, life and it's many meandering turns cannot be simplified into bullet points or tricks and tips. Each one of us have a fight of our own and what gets us by is being humble, patient, understanding each other's situations and making an effort to make tomorrow a better day, not just for ourselves but for our loved ones and others. We cannot overcome something if we do not understand it. Get a hobby, try doing a mundane task in a way that's different from your usual method. Spend some time alone in meditation, be kind to those who have nothing to give back to you.Remember, if you won't love and believe in yourself, no one can. Last but not the least- Trust yourself and that divine power that's holding you together waiting for you to give HIM a chance.


  1. Hello bootyful stranger! Very well written!!! Keep penning :-)


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